Stormy Chromer

Stormy Chromer

Jeremy with a great October fall steelhead

Here’s Jeremy pictured with some nice fall steelhead from the Muskegon river.

Jeremy with another nice fall steelhead

As the fall kings start to fade a bright chrome horizon starts to shine as more steelhead enter the river system offering the best fall steelhead fishing of the year in the upcoming weeks.

Water levels and temperatures are good hovering around the 1600 cfs mark and 55 degrees.  The rain in the immediate forecast will only help bring more steelhead up river.  With this early warm November weather next few weeks mixed with rain will only extend the prime water temperatures for steelhead to take swung, chucked, or drifted flies.

Prime November steelhead dates are available right now.  Give us a call, text, or email to reserve a trip!

post by:  jon fortuna

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