Here’s Bert with an outstanding male Buck!
Our landing percentage was much better today despite the cold 9 degree start. As the air warmed up so did the steelhead bite as we had a very good amount of activity including these steelhead pictured here from yesterday.
Here’s Bert with a really healthy female steelhead
Bert with another nice chrome hen steelhead
Don’t let the size fool you, this scrappy hen fought and jumped like crazy!
Here’s another really chrome hen
Last fish of the day!
The spring steelhead run on the Muskegon is growing near. Good numbers of steelhead are in the river system. These cold 35 degree water temps aren’t helping. But, keep the faith. Warmer weather is on the way and things change very quickly on the Muskegon. As I’ve witnessed first hand from many years fishing the Muskegon; this is the calm before the storm. Milder air temps mixed with precipitation is what’s needed trigger the spring steelhead run.
post by: Jon Fortuna