Here’s Greg from Big Rapids, MI with a beautiful double stripe buck Muskegon river steelhead.

Greg with a large rainbow trout from the Muskegon.

Greg with another big double stripe buck.

Greg with a chromed out hen.

Greg with another hard fighting double stripe buck.

Greg getting it done again with another big mature double stripe buck.

Greg with several nice steelhead brought to the boat including this beautiful fresh chrome hen. Special thanks to you Greg for all the support over the years and all the wonderful fish you’ve brought to the boat! Some great times and always fun fishing with you!
Steelhead remain in the river system in pockets. One day they are in one location the next they show up in other spots throughout the river system. Despite the low numbers of steelhead, new chrome hens continue to show up keeping the big male steelhead around.
post by: jon fortuna