Category Archives: Fly Fishing Muskegon River

Don’t Tell Anyone but the Steelhead Fishing is Incredible on the Muskegon River Right Now!

Don’t Tell Anyone but the Steelhead Fishing is Incredible on the Muskegon River Right Now!

Ever since this past fall leading into winter the steelhead fishing has been and continues to be incredible on the Muskegon River!  Repeated numbers of steelhead are showing up throughout the river system, numbers we haven’t seen in a long time on the Muskegon. Reminds me of the old days years ago with double digit… Continue Reading

Every Fall Has A Chrome Lining!

Every Fall Has A Chrome Lining!

Here’s Bob from Madison, WI with an absolutely beautiful Muskegon river fall steelhead. With the salmon run in full swing the large rainbow, browns, and steelhead are feeding in and around all the spawning areas making for some very exciting fall fly fishing on the Muskegon river.  You never know what you’ll get! More steelhead… Continue Reading

Bad To The Brown!

Bad To The Brown!

Here’s Ed from Hillsdale, MI with a beautiful Muskegon river brown trout that absolutely smashed his egg fly. I’ve said it before and will continue to say it again the brown trout fishing on the Muskegon river is getting better and better every year.  We’re consistently getting into brown trout like Ed’s on a regular… Continue Reading

King Of Kings!

King Of Kings!

Here’s my good friend and pistol shooting instructor, Carl from Caledonia, MI with an absolute bruiser of a Muskegon river king salmon tipping the Boga grips at 28lbs and 40-inches of twisted green steel!  Congrats Carl! New pushes of king salmon continue to enter the river system and show up daily in new spots throughout… Continue Reading

Bad To The Brown!!

Bad To The Brown!!

Please meet my great friend, Doug from Houston, MN with an exceptional Muskegon river brown trout that absolutely slammed his fly on the second cast of the morning.  Congratulations on such an incredible native Muskegon river brown trout Doug!  Welcome to the Muskegon river my friend! I’ve said it before and will continue to say… Continue Reading

Good To Be King!

Good To Be King!

Here’s Greg Key from Big Rapids, MI with the first Muskegon river king salmon of the day that just happened to tip the boga’s out at 24lbs! If you never felt the fight of a fresh king salmon on the swing in a deep river pool with a fly rod you are missing out my… Continue Reading

Brown Trout On The Fly!

Brown Trout On The Fly!

Here’s Connor from northern California with a nice brown trout that absolutely smashed a streamer pattern during the start of a rain shower. Connor with another beautiful brown trout during the rain.  Although the mid-afternoon rain shower wasn’t very pleasant to fish through; it turned the bite on like crazy with these brown trout going… Continue Reading

Standing Tall!

Standing Tall!

Here’s my great friend Bob from Madison, WI with an absolute beauty of a Muskegon river steelhead! I give Bob all the credit for sticking it out during one of the toughest steelhead runs experienced in a long time. Pin point casts, perfect drifts, all added up to Bob hooking up with several nice steelhead.… Continue Reading

One Cast Key Does It Again!

One Cast Key Does It Again!

Here’s Greg from Big Rapids, MI with a beautiful double stripe buck Muskegon river steelhead. Greg with a large rainbow trout from the Muskegon. Greg with another big double stripe buck. Greg with a chromed out hen. Greg with another hard fighting double stripe buck. Greg getting it done again with another big mature double… Continue Reading

Spring Chrome Muskegon River Steelhead!

Spring Chrome Muskegon River Steelhead!

Here’s Ethan from Big Rapids, MI with a big and beautiful crystal chrome Muskegon river steelhead.  Incredible fight, incredible jumps, with drag screaming pulls until Ethan tired this big girl out bringing her to the net with nothing but smiles and grins all around!  Great job Ethan!!  Beautiful steelhead. Steelhead remain in the river system… Continue Reading