Please meet the “Gunslingers.” Matt pictured left, Bobby on the right, and Jimmy in the middle holding his first ever Muskegon river steelhead that just happened to weigh in at 18lbs on the Boga’s and 33″ of pure twisted crimson red steel! Congrats Jimmy! Great job landing that beast!!

Jimmy’s beautiful mature double stripe buck looks to be a winter hold-over from the crimson red double stripe and darkish color.

Not to be out done here’s Bobby with his first ever beautiful crystal chrome steelhead that struck like a sledge hammer and jumped like crazy! Great job Jimmy!!

And last but not least here’s Matt aka…. the Gunslinger showing the boys how to get it Done! Good things come to those who wait and Matt made it a point to persevere and get the job done proving to his brothers they ain’t the only ones who can hook and land steelhead! Great job Matt!! Incredible pin-point casts and drifts all day long! You made it look easy my friend! Guess you’re not buying the brothers all the beers tonight!

Jimmy with another beautiful chromed out steelhead from the Muskegon river.

It’s common to have an angler in the group who’s never caught a steelhead before, but never have had a trip where everyone in the group was new to steelhead fishing a river.
No, this is the first time in 20+ years guiding on the Muskegon where every person in the group caught their very first Muskegon river steelhead with me. Can’t tell you how good it made me feel to watch these guys and their eyes light up when they hooked their first steelhead! Never gets old!
Bobby and the fellow Gunslingers with another beautiful chrome steelhead pictured above!

Wanted to give Jim from Ft. Wayne, IN a special “thank you” for the trip today! Jim has been trying to plan this steelhead trip with his sons for a couple years now and finally got the chance to bring all his boys and son-in-law in from all over the United States for the trip today. Thank you Jim! So glad it all worked out!
We are in a major transition of winter to spring fishing conditions on the Muskegon with water temps and levels rising triggering more steelhead up the river system as the spring run is in the initial stages.
Fresh steelhead continue to migrate up the river system as evident by the bright chrome hens the guys landed today.
post by: jon fortuna