Gift Of Kings!

Gift Of Kings!

(David pictured with a massive Muskegon river king salmon)

It’s one thing to view photos of these magnificent fresh water king salmon.  It’s by far another to feel the strike, holding the rod, as your reel is ripped into it’s backing in seconds; with the water exploding 200 yards down stream with your fly locked in the massive king’s jaw!  You have to experience fighting these big game fish firsthand.  Words can’t describe the immense power these king salmon produce when hooked.  These salmon offer some of the best best fresh water big game fights you can ever experience on a fly rod in North America.

(David and his son David with a Muskegon river king salmon)

Here’s David and his dad David pictured with the last king of the day.  Today’s trip was a “Gift of Kings” to his dad, a gift that will hopefully go down as a very memorable experience for both.   With several hook-ups all day for these first timers, I think both David’s would agree, these king salmon are one special fish to hook and try and land!  Non-stop action!!

(David with the an early morning king salmon from the Muskegon)

It’s no secret.  We desperately need water to increase the water levels on all Michigan rivers right now.  We have salmon here now and more salmon are entering the river system, but nothing near what’s to come with heavy rain.  Hang tight and pray for rain!!

post by: jon fortuna

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