Meet my new friend from across the pond with a steelhead that measured just short of 3 feet long! Please meet Charles from England with what can only be described as 33.5-Inches of twisted crimson red steel! Awesome job Charles! Welcome to my steelhead addiction!!

And to think Charles lost a bigger one just before this massive steelhead! Approach in stealth. Water is cold, steelhead are in a dorment state. Proceed with caution. Stealth from above is key. If they don’t see it coming and looks “natural” your chances of hooking winter steelhead is so much better.

Stealthy approach from above is where it’s at. Winter steelhead on the Muskegon; If they can see it coming they’re gonna get out of the way.
Low and slow with a stealthy approach from above is key. Thin tippet and stealthy approach is key in winter conditions for steelhead when the water is low, slow, clear, and cold.

When they can see it coming and looks un-natural they get out of the way. Stealthy approaches, low and slow from above during cold water winter months are key. Steelhead are positioned in deep slow moving pools in a trance like state waiting for the winter thaw and warm spring water to raise their bodies metabolism and start the spring spawn.
Fishing conditions are in a transition right now as warm-ups followed by cold fronts are making way to the transition from winter steelheading to spring. The warm up next week will continue to raise water levels and temps triggering new steelhead to make their way up the river system. Steelhead in all phases, from crimson red winter coats to bright chrome steel are present throughout the river system.
post by: jon fortuna