Category Archives: fly fishing steelhead Muskegon river

Standing Tall!

Standing Tall!

Here’s my great friend Bob from Madison, WI with an absolute beauty of a Muskegon river steelhead! I give Bob all the credit for sticking it out during one of the toughest steelhead runs experienced in a long time. Pin point casts, perfect drifts, all added up to Bob hooking up with several nice steelhead.… Continue Reading

Spring Steelhead On The Run!

Spring Steelhead On The Run!

The Muskegon river steelhead are on the run! Low water and strange weather patterns past few weeks has spread the steelhead out in pockets throughout the river. ElNino seems to have added a special twist to this seasons spring steelhead run. post by: jon fortuna Continue Reading

January & February Produce Some Of The Largest Steelhead Of The Year On The Muskegon River!

January & February Produce Some Of The Largest Steelhead Of The Year On The Muskegon River!

Year after year for the past 25 years guiding the Muskegon river has always produced massive steelhead during the dead of winter in January and February, and today was no different. Not sure what triggers these adult steelhead to come up river in the coldest months of the year but they do every year. This… Continue Reading

Sweet November Steel!

Sweet November Steel!

Here’s my great friend and client George from Chicago with a beautifully chromed out fall steelhead from the Muskegon river. More fall steelhead continue to enter the river system.  Water levels are good but temps are above average for this time of year.  Next weeks cold weather is exactly what’s needed to convince more steelhead… Continue Reading

Sweet Fall Chrome!

Sweet Fall Chrome!

Here’s Tim from Chicago with a crystal chrome Muskegon river steelhead.  Nothing beats that first tug on the fly rod and especially when it’s a Muskegon river fall steelhead ripping your fly reel into its backing in seconds!  Congrats on a beautiful fall steelhead Tim! Steelhead continue to enter the river system as the water… Continue Reading

It All Starts With The Skippers!

It All Starts With The Skippers!

The fall steelhead run always start with the skippers; the juvenile steelhead that migrate first up the river system quickly followed by the adult steelhead.  Landing skippers is the first indication the fall steelhead run is about to happen. Here’s Brian from Cincinnati, OH with a bright chrome “skipper” steelhead from the Muskegon river. We’re… Continue Reading

20 Pounds 37-Inches Of Twisted Red Steel!

20 Pounds 37-Inches Of Twisted Red Steel!

Here’s my long time friend and client Todd from Colorado with what can only be described as an massive Muskegon River steelhead.  This steelhead had both the incredible 37″ length and girth with massive shoulders thick of muscle.  Incredible steelhead Todd!  Congrats my friend!! Steelhead can be found throughout the river.  Large rainbows and brown… Continue Reading

Best Buds!

Best Buds!

Here’s Dave from Chicago with a beautiful double stripe Muskegon River steelhead tipping the scale at 17lbs.  Dave’s magnificent steelhead was so big he needed two buddies to help hold it for the photo.  Nice steelhead Dave!  Congrats! Dave’s beautiful translucent red double stripe buck. Not to be outdone, here’s Bill from Washington with a… Continue Reading

Future Wall-Hanger!

Future Wall-Hanger!

Check out the girth on this beautiful chromed out Muskegon river steelhead.  If this steelhead makes it the next few years, he’s gonna be an absolute wall-hanger!  The thickness of muscle on this steelhead was absolutely amazing!  Incredible fight! They don’t come much beefier than this buck!  Insane girth around the mid-section and shoulders.  More… Continue Reading

Southern Style Steelheading!

Southern Style Steelheading!

Here’s Andrew from the Fayetteville, Arkansas who spends his free time trout fishing the famed White River in Arkansas.  Visiting family and friends in Michigan he took a break to try some winter steelhead fishing for the first time choosing the Muskegon river. Try he did as you see Andrew posing with this beautiful crystal… Continue Reading