Category Archives: Muskegon River Brown Trout

Brown Trout On The Fly!

Brown Trout On The Fly!

Here’s Connor from northern California with a nice brown trout that absolutely smashed a streamer pattern during the start of a rain shower. Connor with another beautiful brown trout during the rain.  Although the mid-afternoon rain shower wasn’t very pleasant to fish through; it turned the bite on like crazy with these brown trout going… Continue Reading

Getting That Itch? That Itch for Spring Steelhead!

Getting That Itch?  That Itch for Spring Steelhead!

Never gets old.  That pure adrenalin rush you get from hooking the hardest fighting fresh water game fish in North America.  And not to mention doing it on one of the best steelhead rivers in North America. A certain percentage of female steelhead make their way up the Muskegon river system seeking food and refuge… Continue Reading

Bad To The Brown Muskegon River Brown Trout!

Bad To The Brown Muskegon River Brown Trout!

Here’s Tristan from Des Moines, IA with a beautiful Muskegon River brown trout.  The brown trout fishing on the Muskegon has been exceptionally good the past couple years and only seems to get better! Notice the beautiful translucent blue on the gill plate of Tristan’s river brown.  Brown trout are the only fish species to… Continue Reading

Bad To The Bone! Brown Trout Fishing The Muskegon River!

Bad To The Bone!  Brown Trout Fishing The Muskegon River!

It’s surly not getting old; the brown trout fishing on the Muskegon river just keeps getting better and better!  Never seen so many nice river browns brought to the net in the past year.  Whether it be dry flies during the drake or caddis hatch, C&D egg flies behind redds, nymph fishing, stripping streamers, you… Continue Reading

May Your Holidays Be Filled with Big Bows & Killer Browns! Happy Holidays from Fly Fire!!

May Your Holidays Be Filled with Big Bows & Killer Browns!  Happy Holidays from Fly Fire!!

Here’s Jim from Ft. Wayne, IN with a big & beautiful naturally reproduced Muskegon river rainbow trout! Jim with one of several nice brown trout brought to the boat throughout the day.  From the beginning of September to now, the trout fishing on the Muskegon river has been incredible.  Never seen so many big trout… Continue Reading

Massive 24″ Muskegon River Brown Trout!

Massive 24″ Muskegon River Brown Trout!

Here’s Chris from Chicago with what can only be described as a 24″ Muskegon river brown trout of a life time!  Tipping the tape measure at 24-inches, this natural river brown is a wall-hanger!  Congratulations Chris on this amazing native Muskegon river brown trout! Notice the adipose fin (small nub like top fin just up… Continue Reading

Bad To The 22″ River Brown Trout!

Bad To The 22″ River Brown Trout!

Here’s Ed from Hillsdale, MI with an exceptional 22″ Muskegon river brown trout.  This river brown struck Ed’s fly like a lightning bolt and fought like a king salmon with a heck of a pull from the start.  Was such a great surprise to see this wall-hanger brown come to the net!  Congrats Ed!  Incredible… Continue Reading

Fall Caddis Hatch Heats Up On The Muskegon!

Fall Caddis Hatch Heats Up On The Muskegon!

Here’s Bill from Allegan, MI with some beautiful brown trout taken on caddis dry flies. This recent abnormal warm front has triggered massive caddis fly hatches in the upper stretches of the river sending large size brown trout into a feeding frenzy. Here’s Bill with another large size river brown that smashed his caddis dry… Continue Reading

Fall Caddis Hatch On Fire!

Fall Caddis Hatch On Fire!

Here’s Lucas from Detroit with a beautiful football size Muskegon river brown trout that smashed his caddis dry fly. The caddis hatch on the upper stretches of the Muskegon river have been on fire ever since early September. Lucas landed this beautiful 18-inch football sized brown on a caddis dry fly and had other opportunities… Continue Reading

Fall Fishing Charters On The Muskegon River

Fall Fishing Charters On The Muskegon River

Fall is an absolutely beautiful time of year to fish the Muskegon river here in Michigan.  The annual migration of king salmon start to enter the river system and along with it the fall steelhead and lake run browns follow suite up river in search of salmon roe discharged from actively spawning king salmon. Trout… Continue Reading